- Coupons are valid for a limited time only.
- Coupons are limited to one coupon per customer for a single order only.
- Unless otherwise stated, discounts apply to full price, in-store purchases only.
- Offer is valid for future purchases only and cannot be applied to an order already placed.
- Coupons cannot be combined with any other promotion, discounts, coupons or store credits unless otherwise agreed upon or prior authorization from Superior Tile or its representatives.
- Coupons cannot be applied on clearance items.
- Coupons cannot be redeemed against excludes shipping and taxes.
- Coupons have no cash value and no refunds or cash alternative will be offered.
- Welcome Coupon is only valid towards 15% off your first purchase and is sent via email upon creating a new account.
- Superior Tile has no obligation for payment of any tax in conjunction with the distribution or use of any coupon.
- If you return any of the items purchased with a coupon, the coupon discount or value may be subtracted from the return credit.
- Coupon must be presented to one of our sales representatives prior to any purchase.
- Coupons are void if restricted or prohibited by law.
- Superior Tile reserves the right to modify or cancel coupons at any time without any notice.
- Plumbing fixtures, tubs, vanities and building supplies are excluded.
How to redeem your coupon
- Present your coupon to one of our sales representatives
- Select your desired products
- Receive discount and finalize order